sábado, 16 de maio de 2020


"The OSWA™-Assistant is a self-contained, no Operating System required, freely downloadable, standalone toolkit which is solely focused on wireless auditing. As a result, in addition to the usual WiFi (802.11) auditing tools, it also covers Bluetooth and RFID auditing. Using the toolkit is as easy as popping it into your computer's CDROM and making your computer boot from it!" read more...

Website: http://oswa-assistant.securitystartshere.org

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NcN 2015 CTF - theAnswer Writeup

1. Overview

Is an elf32 static and stripped binary, but the good news is that it was compiled with gcc and it will not have shitty runtimes and libs to fingerprint, just the libc ... and libprhrhead
This binary is writed by Ricardo J Rodrigez

When it's executed, it seems that is computing the flag:

But this process never ends .... let's see what strace say:

There is a thread deadlock, maybe the start point can be looking in IDA the xrefs of 0x403a85
Maybe we can think about an encrypted flag that is not decrypting because of the lock.

This can be solved in two ways:

  • static: understanding the cryptosystem and programming our own decryptor
  • dynamic: fixing the the binary and running it (hard: antidebug, futex, rands ...)

At first sight I thought that dynamic approach were quicker, but it turned more complex than the static approach.

2. Static approach

Crawling the xrefs to the futex, it is possible to locate the main:

With libc/libpthread function fingerprinting or a bit of manual work, we have the symbols, here is the main, where 255 threads are created and joined, when the threads end, the xor key is calculated and it calls the print_flag:

The code of the thread is passed to the libc_pthread_create, IDA recognize this area as data but can be selected as code and function.

This is the thread code decompiled, where we can observe two infinite loops for ptrace detection and preload (although is static) this antidebug/antihook are easy to detect at this point.

we have to observe the important thing, is the key random?? well, with the same seed the random sequence will be the same, then the key is "hidden" in the predictability of the random.

If the threads are not executed on the creation order, the key will be wrong because is xored with the th_id which is the identify of current thread.

The print_key function, do the xor between the key and the flag_cyphertext byte by byte.

And here we have the seed and the first bytes of the cypher-text:

With radare we can convert this to a c variable quickly:

And here is the flag cyphertext:

And with some radare magics, we have the c initialized array:

radare, is full featured :)

With a bit of rand() calibration here is the solution ...

The code:

3. The Dynamic Approach

First we have to patch the anti-debugs, on beginning of the thread there is two evident anti-debugs (well anti preload hook and anti ptrace debugging) the infinite loop also makes the anti-debug more evident:

There are also a third anti-debug, a bit more silent, if detects a debugger trough the first available descriptor, and here comes the fucking part, don't crash the execution, the execution continues but the seed is modified a bit, then the decryption key will not be ok.

Ok, the seed is incremented by one, this could be a normal program feature, but this is only triggered if the fileno(open("/","r")) > 3 this is a well known anti-debug, that also can be seen from a traced execution.

Ok, just one byte patch,  seed+=1  to  seed+=0,   (add eax, 1   to add eax, 0)



To patch the two infinite loops, just nop the two bytes of each jmp $-0

Ok, but repairing this binary is harder than building a decryptor, we need to fix more things:

  •  The sleep(randInt(1,3)) of the beginning of the thread to execute the threads in the correct order
  •  Modify the pthread_cond_wait to avoid the futex()
  • We also need to calibrate de rand() to get the key (just patch the sleep and add other rand() before the pthread_create loop
Adding the extra rand() can be done with a patch because from gdb is not possible to make a call rand() in this binary.

With this modifications, the binary will print the key by itself. 

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sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2020


Types of hacking?
We can segregate hacking into different categories, based on what being hacked. Here is a set of examples-

1-Website Hacking- Hacking a website means taking unauthorized control over a web server and its associated software such as databases and other interfaces.

2-Network Hacking-Hacking a network means gathering information about a network by using tool like Telnet, Nslookup, Ping, Tracert, Netstat etc with the intent to harm the network system and hamper its operation.

3-Email Hacking-It includes getting unauthorized access on an Email account and using it without taking the permission of the owner.

4-Ethical Hacking-It involves finding weakness in a computer or network system for testing purpose and finally getting them fixed.

5-Password Hacking-This is the process of recovering secret password from data that has been stored in or transmitted by a computer system.

6-Computer Hacking-This is the process of stealing computer ID & Passwords by applying hacking methods and getting unauthorized access to a computer system.
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How To Pass Your Online Accounts After Death – 3 Methods

The topic of DEATH is not one that most people care to talk about, but the truth is that we are all going to die at some point and everything that we did online is going to end up in limbo if we don't make sure that someone we trust is going to be able to gain access to this information. This is going to be extremely important in order to close it down, or have your loved one do whatever you want them to do with your information. There are many things to take into consideration for this kind of situation. If you are like the average modern person, you probably have at least one email account, a couple of social media accounts in places like Facebook and Twitter. Perhaps you also have a website that you run or a blog. These are all very common things that people will usually do at some point and if you have anything that you consider valuable, you should have a way to leave it in the hands of someone you trust when you pass away.

Pass Accounts and Passwords After Death
Pass Accounts and Passwords After Death

Maybe you have an online platform that has a lot of content that you find useful and important. Perhaps you have even been able to turn some of that content into monetizable material and you don't want this to end when you pass away. This is more than enough of a reason to make sure that your information can be given to someone when you are no longer around.
There have been many cases when all the information has ended up being impossible to recover when a person has died, at least not without the need for the family members to do all kinds of things in order to prove a person is deceased. So here are some ways, you can passyour online accounts/data after death:

1) Making a Safe 'WILL' (or Locker) containing master password.

  1. Make an inventory of all your online accounts and list them on a piece of paper one by one and give it to your loved one. For eg:– Your primary email address
    – Your Facebook ID/email
    – The Bank account or Internet banking ID
    – etc. To clarify, it will be only a list of the accounts you want your loved one to be able to access after you're dead. Just the list of accounts, nothing else (no passwords).
  2. Set up a brand new e-mail address (Possibly Gmail account). Lets say youraccountsinfo@gmail.com
  3. Now from your usual email account, Send an e-mail to youraccountsinfo@gmail.com, with the following content:– dd349r4yt9dfj
    – sd456pu3t9p4
    – s2398sds4938523540
    – djfsf4p These are, of course, the passwords and account numbers that you want your loved one to have once you're dead.
  4. Tell your loved one that you did these things, and while you're at it, send him/her an e-mail from youraccountsinfo@gmail.com, so he/she will have the address handy in some special folder in his/her inbox.
  5. Put the password for youraccountsinfo@gmail.com in your will or write it down on paper and keep it safe in your bank locker. Don't include the e-mail address as well, just put something like "The password is: loveyourhoney432d".
And its done! Your loved one will only have the password once you're dead, and the info is also secure, since it's split in two places that cannot be easily connected, so if the e-mail address happens to be hacked, the perpetrator won't be able to use it to steal anything that you're going to leave for your loved one.

2) Preparing a Future email (SWITCH) containing login information

This method is very similar to the first one except in this case we will not be using a WILL or Locker. Instead we will be using a Service called "Dead Mans Switch" that creates a switch (Future email) and sends it to your recipients after a particular time interval. Here is how it works.
  1. Create a list of accounts as discussed in the first method and give it to your loved one.
  2. Register on "Dead mans switch" and create a switch containing all the corresponding passwords and enter the recipients email (Your loved one).
  3. Your switch will email you every so often, asking you to show that you are fine by clicking a link. If something happens to you, your switch would then send the email you wrote to the recipient you specified. Sort of an "electronic will", one could say.

3) Using password managers that have emergency access feature

Password managers like LastPass and Dashlane have a feature called as "emergency access".  It functions as a dead man's switch. You just have to add your loved one to your password manager, with emergency access rights. he/She does not see any of your information, nor can he/she log into your accounts normally.
But if the worst happens, your loved one can invoke the emergency access option. Next your password manager sends an email to you and starts a timer. If, after a certain amount of time interval, you have not refused the request, then your loved one gets full access to your password manager.
You can always decide what they can potentially gain access to, and you set the time delay.

Why should i bother about passing my digital legacy?

Of all the major online platforms, only Google and Facebook have provisions for Inactiveaccounts (in case of death). Google lets you plan for the inevitable ahead of time. Using the "Inactive Account Manager", you can designate a beneficiary who will inherit access to any or all of your Google accounts after a specified period of inactivity (the default is 3 months).
Facebook on the other hand will either delete your inactive account or turn it into a memorial page when their family can provide any proof of their death, but there is also a large number of platforms that don't have any specific way for people to be able to verify the death of a loved one in order to gain access to the accounts. In either case, you wouldn't want your family to have to suffer through any hassles and complications after you have passed away.
You should also consider the importance of being able to allow your loved ones to collect all the data you left behind. This means photos and experiences that can be used to show other generations the way that you lived and the kind of things you enjoyed doing.
Those memories are now easier to keep and the best photos can be downloaded for the purpose of printing them for photo albums or frames. Allowing them to have the chance to do this in a practical way is going to be a great gesture and securing any profitable information is going to be essential if you want a business or idea to keep moving forward with the help of those you trust.
This is the reason why you need to be able to pass your online account information after death, but no one wants to give access to this kind of information to their loved ones because it's of a private nature and we would feel uneasy knowing that others can access our private conversations or message.

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  8. Elladodelmal


Android made endless possibilities for everyone. It introduced a platform where are millions of apps that a user can download and buy depending on their needs. You're thinking about Google PlayStore, yes I am also talking about Google PlayStore. It's categorized app collection depending on every niche of life. Few of them are free and some of them are paid. Most of the paid apps are only charges small cost in between $2 to $8, but few apps are highly costly that make cost over $50 even, which is not possible for every user to buy and get benefit from it. So, here I am sharing a really useful app, that can make every Google PlayStore app for you to download it for free. You can download any paid app that may even cost about $50. It's totally free. Download blackmart Android app and download google play store paid apps freely.


  • It's extremely easy to use.
  • It has a Multilingual option for a global user experience.
  • The app doesn't ask for any payments.
  • Capable to download full of downloadable applications.
  • Super fast in downloading and installation.
More information


As I said, Apple's iOS is also prone to cyber attacks, so you can use some of the best password managers for iOS to secure your online accounts.


Here I have streamlined few of the best password managers for iOS including Keeper, OneSafe, Enpass, mSecure, LastPass, RoboForm, SplashID Safe and LoginBox Pro.


OneSafe is one of the best Password Manager apps for iOS devices that lets you store not only your accounts' passwords but also sensitive documents, credit card details, photos, and more.
OneSafe password manager app for iOS encrypts your data behind a master password, with AES-256 encryption — the highest level available on mobile — and Touch ID. There is also an option for additional passwords for given folders.
OneSafe password manager for iOS also offers an in-app browser that supports autofill of logins, so that you don't need to enter your login details every time.
Besides this, OneSafe also provides advanced security for your accounts' passwords with features like auto-lock, intrusion detection, self-destruct mode, decoy safe and double protection.
Download OneSafe Password Manager: iOS | Mac | Android | Windows


SplashID Safe is one of the oldest and best password management tools for iOS that allows users to securely store their login data and other sensitive information in an encrypted record.
All your information, including website logins, credit card and social security data, photos and file attachments, are protected with 256-bit encryption.
SplashID Safe Password Manager app for iOS also provides web autofill option, meaning you will not have to bother copy-pasting your passwords in login.
The free version of SplashID Safe app comes with basic record storage functionality, though you can opt for premium subscriptions that provide cross-device syncing among other premium features.
Download SplashID Safe Password Manager: Windows and Mac | iOS | Android


LoginBox Pro is another great password manager app for iOS devices. The app provides a single tap login to any website you visit, making the password manager app as the safest and fastest way to sign in to password-protected internet sites.
LoginBox Password Manager app for iOS combines a password manager as well as a browser.
From the moment you download it, all your login actions, including entering information, tapping buttons, checking boxes, or answering security questions, automatically completes by the login box Password Manager app.
For security, the login box Password Manager app uses hardware-accelerated AES encryption and passcode to encrypt your data and save it on your device itself.
Download LoginBox Password Manager: iOS | Android

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quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2020

Steghide - A Beginners Tutorial

All of us want our sensitive information to be hidden from people and for that we perform different kinds of things like hide those files or lock them using different softwares. But even though we do that, those files  attractive people to itself as an object of security. Today I'm going to give you a slight introduction to what is called as Steganography. Its a practice of hiding an informational file within another file like you might have seen in movies an image has a secret message encoded in it. You can read more about Steganography from Wikipedia.

In this tutorial I'm going to use a tool called steghide, which is a simple to use Steganography tool and I'm running it on my Arch Linux. What I'm going to do is simply encode an image with a text file which contains some kind of information which I don't want other people to see. And at the end I'll show you how to decode that information back. So lets get started:


1. steghide
2. a text file
3. an image file

After you have installed steghide, fire up the terminal and type steghide

It will give you list of options that are available.

Now say I have a file with the name of myblogpassword.txt which contains the login password of my blog and I want to encode that file into an Image file with the name of arch.jpg so that I can hide my sensitive information from the preying eyes of my friends. In order to do that I'll type the following command in my terminal:

steghide embed -ef myblogpassword.txt -cf arch.jpg

here steghide is the name of the program

embed flag is used to specify to steghide that we want to embed one file into another file
-ef option is used to specify to steghide the name (and location, in case if its in some other directory) of the file that we want to embed inside of the another file, in our case its myblogpassword.txt
-cf option is used to specify the name (and location, in case if its in some other directory) of the file in which we want to embed our file, in our case its an image file named arch.jpg

After typing the above command and hitting enter it will prompt for a password. We can specify a password here in order to password protect our file so that when anyone tries to extract our embedded file, they'll have to supply a password in order to extract it. If you don't want to password protect it you can just simply hit enter.

Now myblogpassword.txt file is embedded inside of the image file arch.jpg. You'll see no changes in the image file except for its size. Now we can delete the plain password text file myblogpassword.txt.

In order to extract the embedded file from the cover file, I'll type following command in the terminal:

steghide extract -sf arch.jpg -xf myblogpass.txt

here steghide is again name of the program
extract flag specifies that we want to extract an embedded file from a stego file
-sf option specifies the name of the stego file or in other words the file in which we embedded another file, in our case here its the arch.jpg file
-xf option specifies the name of the file to which we want to write our embedded file, here it is myblogpass.txt
(remember you must specify the name of file with its location if its somewhere else than the current directory)

After typing the above command and hitting enter, it will prompt for a password. Supply the password if any or otherwise just simply hit enter. It will extract the embedded file to the file named myblogpass.txt. Voila! you got your file back but yes the image file still contains the embedded file.

That's it, very easy isn't it?

It was a pretty basic introduction you can look for other things like encrypting the file to be embedded before you embed it into another file and so on... enjoy

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Recovering Data From An Old Encrypted Time Machine Backup

Recovering data from a backup should be an easy thing to do. At least this is what you expect. Yesterday I had a problem which should have been easy to solve, but it was not. I hope this blog post can help others who face the same problem.

The problem

1. I had an encrypted Time Machine backup which was not used for months
2. This backup was not on an official Apple Time Capsule or on a USB HDD, but on a WD MyCloud NAS
3. I needed files from this backup
4. After running out of time I only had SSH access to the macOS, no GUI

The struggle

By default, Time Machine is one of the best and easiest backup solution I have seen. As long as you stick to the default use case, where you have one active backup disk, life is pink and happy. But this was not my case.

As always, I started to Google what shall I do. One of the first options recommended that I add the backup disk to Time Machine, and it will automagically show the backup snapshots from the old backup. Instead of this, it did not show the old snapshots but started to create a new backup. Panic button has been pressed, backup canceled, back to Google.

Other tutorials recommend to click on the Time Machine icon and pressing alt (Option) key, where I can choose "Browse other backup disks". But this did not list the old Time Machine backup. It did list the backup when selecting disks in Time Machine preferences, but I already tried and failed that way.

YAT (yet another tutorial) recommended to SSH into the NAS, and browse the backup disk, as it is just a simple directory where I can see all the files. But all the files inside where just a bunch of nonsense, no real directory structure.

YAT (yet another tutorial) recommended that I can just easily browse the content of the backup from the Finder by double-clicking on the sparse bundle file. After clicking on it, I can see the disk image on the left part of the Finder, attached as a new disk.
Well, this is true, but because of some bug, when you connect to the Time Capsule, you don't see the sparse bundle file. And I got inconsistent results, for the WD NAS, double-clicking on the sparse bundle did nothing. For the Time Capsule, it did work.
At this point, I had to leave the location where the backup was present, and I only had remote SSH access. You know, if you can't solve a problem, let's complicate things by restrict yourself in solutions.

Finally, I tried to check out some data forensics blogs, and besides some expensive tools, I could find the solution.

The solution

Finally, a blog post provided the real solution - hdiutil.
The best part of hdiutil is that you can provide the read-only flag to it. This can be very awesome when it comes to forensics acquisition.

To mount any NAS via SMB:
mount_smbfs afp://<username>@<NAS_IP>/<Share_for_backup> /<mountpoint>

To mount a Time Capsule share via AFP:
mount_afp afp://any_username:password@<Time_Capsule_IP>/<Share_for_backup> /<mountpoint>

And finally this command should do the job:
hdiutil attach test.sparsebundle -readonly

It is nice that you can provide read-only parameter.

If the backup was encrypted and you don't want to provide the password in a password prompt, use the following:
printf '%s' 'CorrectHorseBatteryStaple' | hdiutil attach test.sparsebundle -stdinpass -readonly

Note: if you receive the error "resource temporarily unavailable", probably another machine is backing up to the device

And now, you can find your backup disk under /Volumes. Happy restoring!

Probably it would have been quicker to either enable the remote GUI, or to physically travel to the system and login locally, but that would spoil the fun.

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Over 4000 Android Apps Expose Users' Data Via Misconfigured Firebase Databases

More than 4,000 Android apps that use Google's cloud-hosted Firebase databases are 'unknowingly' leaking sensitive information on their users, including their email addresses, usernames, passwords, phone numbers, full names, chat messages and location data. The investigation, led by Bob Diachenko from Security Discovery in partnership with Comparitech, is the result of an analysis of 15,735

via The Hacker News
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quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2020

Support For XXE Attacks In SAML In Our Burp Suite Extension

In this post we present the new version of the Burp Suite extension EsPReSSO - Extension for Processing and Recognition of Single Sign-On Protocols. A DTD attacker was implemented on SAML services that was based on the DTD Cheat Sheet by the Chair for Network and Data Security (https://web-in-security.blogspot.de/2016/03/xxe-cheat-sheet.html). In addition, many fixes were added and a new SAML editor was merged. You can find the newest version release here: https://github.com/RUB-NDS/BurpSSOExtension/releases/tag/v3.1

New SAML editor

Before the new release, EsPReSSO had a simple SAML editor where the decoded SAML messages could be modified by the user. We extended the SAML editor so that the user has the possibility to define the encoding of the SAML message and to select their HTTP binding (HTTP-GET or HTTP-POST).

Redesigned SAML Encoder/Decoder

Enhancement of the SAML attacker

XML Signature Wrapping and XML Signature Faking attacks have already been part of the previous EsPReSSO version. Now the user can also perform DTD attacks! The user can select from 18 different attack vectors and manually refine them all before applying the change to the original message. Additional attack vectors can also be added by extending the XML config file of the DTD attacker.
The DTD attacker can also be started in a fully automated mode. This functionality is integrated in the BurpSuite Intruder.

DTD Attacker for SAML messages

Supporting further attacks

We implemented a CertificateViewer which extracts and decodes the certificates contained within the SAML tokens. In addition, a user interface for executing SignatureExclusion attack on SAML has been implemented.

Additional functions will follow in later versions.

Currently we are working on XML Encryption attacks.

This is a combined work from Nurullah Erinola, Nils Engelbertz, David Herring, Juraj Somorovsky, and Vladislav Mladenov.

The research was supported by the European Commission through the FutureTrust project (grant 700542-Future-Trust-H2020-DS-2015-1).

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Airpwn: A Wireless Packet Injector

"Airpwn is a framework for 802.11 (wireless) packet injection. Airpwn listens to incoming wireless packets, and if the data matches a pattern specified in the config files, custom content is injected "spoofed" from the wireless access point. From the perspective of the wireless client, airpwn becomes the server." read more...

Website: http://airpwn.sourceforge.net

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