quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2019

UCLan Alumni Steph McStea Named In The 100 Rising Stars Of The UK Games Industry.

So thrilled to see our lovely Alumni, Steph Mcstea @TeaAndMonsters named in the 100 rising stars of the UK Games Industry!

Check out the interviews with the winners of this year's GamesIndustry.biz 100 in the link below.


Steph's website is in the link below.

Steph is very passionate about games and has her own distinctive art style.
She was a first class honours student at Uclan Games Design Course and graduated with both a BA and MA in Games Design. During her time in study, she never failed to help and encourage others to achieve their goals in games and she was involved in many projects, including the development of the 'Plinky Plonk App', leading the UCLan Games Society and site organiser for the Global Games Jam.
Steph attended the annual Women in Games Conferences as a student where she found much encouragement and had the chance to network with some very interesting people from the industry.
She is currently working as a QA analyst for Team 17 in Yorkshire.

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