quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2020

Brueckenkopf Review: Dream Forge Valkir Heavy Troopers

Seems I have not been on top of my social media for a bit. Christian over at BK has been at it again with another wonderful review of one of our kits.

Posted below, the review that has been run through Google translate. It may not be a perfect translation but you should be able to get the main points.

Thank you again Christian for all your hard work and observations!

At a glance:
Manufacturer: Dream Forge Games Product: iron core Valkir Heavy Troopers Price:Material: hard plastic
After opening a stack waiting with 7 iron frame on us, one of which contains the Bases:

Overall terminals (sinngerweise) 20 Bases in cast frame:

The other cast frame are each represented twice, or bulging me Biits all kinds We start with Allerlei arms and torso.:

It continues with legs and bits for the lower body:

And finally come primarily arms, shoulder pads and minds:

In detail:
Who knows our previous Dreamforge reviews that the suspects probably already know that the detail, again faultlessly fails again, we have yet shot a few close

The models of Dreamforge Games are known for two things: their quality and complexity. to the latter has once again confirmed also at the Valkirs because that the review does not appear until today, has a simple reason: I am yesterday simply not finished.
The assembly of the Valkirs is enormously complex, which is not only due to the sheer number of components per model, but also because each and every Beinpose arm position (depending on weapon) requires a specific combination of components. All components are (still and the subfields with a letter) provided with an exact number they assign unambiguously a particular pose. The search for the right parts takes time, and the fact that alone each subfield of at least 7 members (2 legs, 1 hip, 2 side plates, and cloth or plate for front and back) which, provides extensive search and puzzles ,
To avoid chaos and mixed parts, we recommend any Beinpose build sequentially. The following figure shows the taped legs and trim for front and back. The small side plates are still missing:

For our review, we first built only 10 models whose torso respectively from the front and back as well as an optional "backpack" exist:

The pairs of arms are made of weapon and two arms which are each permanently assigned and after weapons stance (shoulder supported / from the hip firing / weapon lowered), and align the selected weapon. Some weapons consist of several parts, including the heavy rifle, which we show on our following image:

A total of four weapon types are available:
  • Assault rifle (17 pieces)
  • Heavy gun (10)
  • Flamethrower (4 pieces)
  • Mortars (4 pieces)
Grenade launchers and heavy rifle are lengthwise each halved, which must be called at least suboptimal. While this technique allows a drilled from the outset run, but the long splice makes almost inevitable for unaesthetic transitions that need to be corrected with Liquid Green Stuff. Whether the small benefits justify these expenses, is at least doubtful. When smaller mortars this problem falls way less important, because the splice is weaker here.
After assembly of sub-bodies, torsos and pairs of arms, the models looked like this:

Now, only the heads and shoulder pads had to be mounted. The set incidentally comes with 3 different options for the heads, which are each 20 times yet, so rich for the complete set. In addition to these 60 heads come back 5 heads for Commander in classic iron core look to.
We have built two teams and armed differently. First, a classic squad with flamethrowers and grenade launchers:

And then a team with heavy guns:

Size comparison:
For size comparison, we now have two images for you. Firstly, an image with various other iron core models (Stormtrooper, Assault and Support Valkir Valkir), and an image with a Space Marine, a Mantic Enforcer and an Antares-Algoryn:

The Valkirs are a great kit with great worked out details, which is packed to the gills with options, and the effect really leaves nothing to be desired. The fit of the components is outstanding and the mold lines absolutely minimal. Dreamforge Games deliver with Valkirs So even hard plastic of the highest quality, and each player, which suits the style of the iron core models, making this definitely nothing wrong.
Even here, stay a few suggestions and criticisms:
  • We start the previously mentioned complexity of the kit. For beginners the Valkirs are definitely not suitable and Hobby veterans should plan for the assembly neat time.
  • Also, the longitudinally-divided guns are not ideal. You like design technically have their reasons, but for the hobbyist bring mainly significantly higher expenditure during assembly.
  • Particularly in view of the numerous other options, the lack of real command bits is a bit of a shame. The ever-popular "Show Hand", a melee weapon or a radio module would have been nice here that 5 command heads are nice, but only fit one of the three head options, from which it is moreover not differ.
Last but not least you could still complain about the sometimes somewhat static poses, they are given the heavy armor but realistic and are also relieved by advancing and rennende leg pairs more than adequate. Especially in contrast to the much more dynamic Stormtroopers is doubly clear that the Valkirs rather slow and steady advance, while the Stormtroopers take over the race.
As for the price, the Valkirs the top of the scale sort a. With just under 60 euros for 20 men they are 10 euros cheaper than 20 tactical Space Marines (their function and equipment they correspond best) for 70 euros. They also offer more options and enrich the Bitsbox the buyer enormously (although of course not for any really a useful bonus). The Enforcer of Mantic Games fall expected slightly cheaper from (their final retail price will be known in May), while 20 Concord-Strike Trooper for Beyond the Gates of Antares with 56 Euro are almost on par with the Valkirs (they have few options when assembling in 20 men but preserves the boldness 8 light and medium drones 4 as a bonus). *
As final conclusion one can hold, therefore, that a premium kit for premium price obtained with the Valkirs who only in some details shows weakness.

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